I needed a break
Taking some mental health time away from your artwork is crucial for maintaining a sense of balance and perspective. Stepping away allows you to recharge and gain a fresh outlook on your creative process. It's essential to prioritize self-care by giving yourself the space to relax and decompress, which can help prevent burnout and enhance your overall well-being. Returning to your artwork with a renewed mindset after a break can lead to increased creativity and productivity, contributing positively to your artistic journey and personal fulfillment. A renewed mindset can awaken deep feelings.
This past couple of months have been the most challenging of times for me in my personal life and I just needed a break. My beloved dog Kacy has been on the decline for sometime with her health. At 15 years young, she already had so many tribulations under her collar from cancer, hip dysplasia, loss of an eye, and arthritis. Never was there a day when she wasn’t happy, happy to wake up in the morning, happy for a walk or a car ride, and happy to spend time with myself and her sister. We don’t deserve dogs. They teach us how to love, have courage, and to not sweat the small things.
I got Kacy at just 6-weeks old, she was just the best puppy you could ever ask for. My ex found her at a little farmhouse in Missouri and brought her home to me. From the moment I met her, I knew that she was going to be my best friend, companion, and confidant. And we spent the next 15 years building that relationship together and that time moved in the blink of an eye. Time unfortunately against us all. There is never enough time and you can never get it back.
Kacy at 18 weeks old.
Life always brings things into your life when you need them most, and Kacy was in my life for a purpose. Our bond was immeasurable and unexplained because we didn’t need to explain it. We allowed it to exist like twin-souls taking the journey of life together. Kacy was truly my soulmate. I watched her grow and flourish into a beautiful dog, I held her when she was sick, I cuddled with her on the couch, and she laid her head on my lap when the days were dark.
Time always has a way of catching up with you. April 19, 2024 we celebrated her 15th birthday. She received her favorite treats, sun bathed in the grass, got to visit a few of her favorite people, and spent time lounging with her sister. And on April 20, 2024, I helped her peacefully cross the rainbow bridge and let her rest.
The other dog in these pictures is Mya, she’s 11 years old and was the “sister” I was referring too. We are both healing together and just floating through the days. It has still be a raw topic of discussion, but I have finally brought myself to make this post. Kacy was my best studio buddy, and was always close by while I was painting and creating my artwork. I am slowly getting back into my studio after taking my mental break. It’s been hard to create, but I am creating for her. Moving forward my creations are dedicated to Kacy, she always loved watching me work in the studio.
For Kacy - forever and for always